Thursday, 26 November 2009

Monday November 26, 1894

Mr Crisp came down & discussed various questions about the new buildings.

William Christie, Astronomer Royal

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Tuesday November 20, 1894

ALtazimuth, designed by George Airy, from Leisure Hour 1898.Three wires of Altazimuth reported broken by Mr Bryant. The plate holding them was sent to Messrs Troughton & Simms.

The position wires of the 28in Micrometer reported broken, by Mr Lewis. Mr Niblett told to repair them.

Frank Dyson, Chief Assistant

Monday November 19, 1894

Meeting of Sub Comee for Photographic Exhibn at Imperial Institute 3.30.

William Christie, Astronomer Royal

Sunday November 18, 1894

A gentleman named Mr Holmes fell down in a fit just outside the Observatory at 10 [o]’clock. He was carried into the Chief Assistant’s room, and attended to by his wife & sister. As the Astronomer Royal was away, Mr Dyson obtained what help he could from the Astronomer Royal’s house. Mr Johns was sent for Dr _______who stayed with the man till be could be moved at 3 o’clock.

Frank Dyson, Chief Assistant

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Friday November 16, 1894

Went to Sandwich in the evening returning Monday morning Nov 19

William Christie, Astronomer Royal

Thursday November 15, 1894

Dr Doberck here computing some old comet obsns in library.

William Christie, Astronomer Royal

RH says..... This was the Dr Doberck who had called on 3 October to complain about his colleague in Hong Kong. He was best known as a double-star observer but this work on comets may have helped satisfy his frustrated desire to do research. He was, presumably, working in the 'New Library', designed at the end of George Airy's tenure as Astronomer Royal and completed under Christie. This photograph, taken before the Physical Observatory was completed and before work on the Altazimuth Pavilion started, shows the library on the right-hand side, with Flamsteed House and the dome of the 28-inch telescope in the background and the hut, offices and equipment of the Magnetic and Meteorological department and the top of the Lassell Dome in the foreground.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Wednesday November 14, 1894

Annual Meeting of Charity Organisation Socy in Octagon Room at 4.30. About 70 present. Very wet day, keeping many people away.

William Christie, Astronomer Royal
RH says..... This clearly demonstrates how the Octagon Room - Flamsteed's Great Star Chamber - was so often used in the 19th century. 70 people seems a fair amount to fit into this room (these days public talks there are limited to 50-60) so it must have been a real squeeze at an event like this on a fine day. I can certainly vouch for the fact that a wet day in Greenwich Park keeps a large proportion of potential visitors to the ROG at home.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Friday November 9, 1894

R.A.S. Comee & Council meeting beginning at 2.

William Christie, Astronomer Royal
Mr Swasey called – Gas failed. Mr Simmonds turned it off in the Chronometer room.
Frank Dyson, Chief Assistant
RH says..... The report of the RAS Council meeting can be found here. The meeting included a paper by Rev W. Sidgreaves on 'Solar Observations at Stonyhurst College Observatory', prompting a discussion on spectroscopic observations of sunspots and a long response from E. Walter Maunder, the head of the Royal Observatory's solar observation programme. There is also mention of Thomas Lewis's observations of a binary star with the 28-inch telescope. Responding to this, Maunder said that Lewis's observation was "a testimony to his skill and keenness of sight as a double-star observer; and it may also be regarded as satisfactory as showing the defining-power of the new refractor at Greenwich." In support of this point he added that on the previous Monday night he had observed Mars's satellites with it: "There was not the smallest difficulty in seeing and measuring" them.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Thursday November 8, 1894

Meeting of Comee of Advice for Imperial Institute Photographic Exhibition.

William Christie, Astronomer Royal

RH says..... I came across this image on the internet the other day: I'm not sure if this is how Christie travelled to Sandwich on his holidays, but it would certainly be handy for him.

Sandwich train at Greenwich Station, c.1910.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Monday November 5, 1894

H0632 Ivory medallion of Flamsteed by Le Marchand, copyright National Maritime Museum.Mr J. Raymond Smith Sculptor called to arrange about bust of Flamsteed for N. wing of Physical Observatory and took away ivory medallion & engraved portrait of Flamsteed on loan.

William Christie, Astronomer Royal

Rate of S.S. altered.
Reversion-Prism eyepiece, which had been broken sent to Messrs Troughton & Simms.

Frank Dyson, Chief Assistant

RH says..... This image shows the medallion of Flamsteed that Christie sent the sculptor for reference, although the scultpure on the Physical Observatory probably owes more to the engraving, which can be see in this post. The completed bust can still be seen above the entrance of the Observatory's South Building today.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Wednesday October 31, 1894

George Darwin: astronomer, mathematician and son of Charles Darwin (1845-1912)Meeting of Index Catalogue Comee (Astronomy). Prof. G. H. Darwin & I attended & we drew up a brief Report.

William Christie, Astronomer Royal